This makes it more intense, sometimes frustrating, but ultimately fun. Compared to other first-person shooter games, it relies heavily on team coordination and strategy with the likelihood of playing with different players in every game. In Overwatch, teams of six players are pitted against each other to accomplish several objectives like escorting payload and capturing points. For those playing, this might cause confusion and affect decisions being made in response to possible threats. Adding them to your character might make them look similar to other heroes, given that accessories don't change to look different from one to the next. One tiny, irritating detail Overwatch players may encounter at least once in the game are the add-ons for heroes. When using the mouse and keyboard set up, it's highly responsive, quick, and downright smooth. Happy gaming.When it comes to ease of playing, Overwatch delivers an impeccable experience. It should be noted, that while these games are free to play, inevitably there will be micro-transactions but if you like a game, what’s the harm in throwing a few dollars in its direction. 2017 looks to continue that new tradition with a slew of games with both new and old concepts for gamers to play. The rise of the free to play platform has seen the development of many quality games over the last few years. What to play while you wait: Eve Online, Wildstar, Knights of the Old Republic What sets it apart from even other games on this list is the setting (steampunk), beautiful graphics, Aerial combat (finally) and a unique social aspect to the game where players can develop relationships for their characters with other player characters. What is it? Revelations Online is another MMORPG that has clearly taken its cues from World of Warcraft. What to play while you wait: World of Warcraft, Guild Wars 2, Elder Scrolls Online 9.

North American closed betas are still waiting to be announced but our overseas readers in Russia or Korea can join the beta several ways as listed here. Bless Online is shaping up to be a standout MMO that takes the best of games like World of Warcraft, Guild Wars and the like while adding some interesting new features like a focus on open world PvP and castle sieges. What is it? Bless Online is a MMORPG from Aeria Games. What to play while you wait: Hearthstone, Magic the Gathering 8. The game is currently in open beta and can be downloaded here. Owing more than a few design features to Hearthstone, Legends looks to muscle its way into the digital collectable card game genre with the full weight and popularity of the Elder Scrolls franchise behind it. What is it? The Elder Scrolls is a wildly popular Action RPG series from Bethesda that features fantastic storylines, tight combat and extensive magic systems… so naturally there is a card game based on it coming out.